Get Customized, Business Emails with CarCareCONNECT

Did you know you can have a personalized email address with your website? Here at CarCareCONNECT, we can host up to ten emails with your site. Having personalized emails associated with your site provides an air of professionalism and allows you to have individual yet united email accounts for your staff.

Typically, shops will have email addresses such as “info@,” “office@” and “payments@” for their site. Additionally, the owner, manager and other staff members may have their own email addresses. You can use these email addresses on your site and through social media pages. You can also use them for professional business transactions, such as ordering parts online.

Always remember: you should never use your business email for personal use! This can increase spam and actually harm your email. Just like your personal and professional lives, you should keep your personal and business emails separate.

Be sure to check out CarCareCONNECT’s archive of Support articles about email:

How to Avoid Mass Email Disasters

What to Do if Your Email Gets Compromised


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