4 of The Best Ways To Deal With Angry Customers

Okay, we’ve all been there. If you’re lucky enough to have never dealt with an angry customer then you might not know how frustrating it is to keep your mouth shut. Day to day in the shop you’ll be dealing with customers of all kinds, happy and mad. It’s important for your business and your future customers that you learn how to deal with problems. The “I’m so sorry, but…” “What we can do is…” “I know you’re upset and…” is a good start, but it isn’t enough. Let’s get started.


1. Name Calling is GOOD

Okay, let me clarify. Don’t call the customers names, call them by their name. 

I’m so sorry Jeff.

It’s OK Carl, I’m looking up your information now.

When you address someone as “Sir” or Ma’am is sounds so formal and therefore not sincere. Once you use their name you’re no longer talking to a customer, you’re talking to a real person with a job, life and a legitimate reason for their frustration.

2. Find That Connection

If you’ve worked in a business before you’ve probably heard “know your customers”. This becomes important because during a disagreement with a customer you have to step back and look at things from their perspective. Believe me, it’s easier said than done. Try to pick up on the tone, knowledge and personality this person has. Some customers might not know a lot about cars and need a simpler explanation.

3. Listen. Listen. Listen 

If you’ve dealt with customers before you know that some of them love to talk. This goes double for angry customers. When a customer is upset they really just want someone to vent their frustration too. Now it’s not easy being that person but if you let them get it all out you can get the whole story and start working on a solution. If you interrupt them it could just make them angrier.

4. Sympathize with Them

After you finish listening to them the customer really just wants you to understand how they feel. Express sympathy for the situation and clearly explain your plan for solving their problem. Respect and understanding go a long way when dealing with an upset customer.


All this with a smile on your face!

Don’t let angry customers get you down! CarCareCONNECT is here to help! We specialize in helping you reach your business goals! Contact Us and let’s started on your goals.
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