Is Virtual Reality in Your Auto Shop’s Future?

Virtual reality (VR) has been a hot topic in technology circles for the last year. And it has been for a good reason; VR could totally change how we look at entertainment, work and numerous industries with its fully immersive capabilities. Virtual reality even has the potential to change the way you run your auto repair shop.

Goldman Sachs Research actually predicts that virtual reality (and augmented reality) will be an $80 billion market by 2025! (45 billion in hardware + $35 billion in software)

Confused about what virtual reality is?

Google defines virtual reality as the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment – such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors.

For an easier-to-grasp definition, virtual reality basically blocks out the view of the real world and creates a virtual world.

Did you know that virtual reality isn’t a new concept?

The history of virtual reality actually began in 1838. Check out the following infographic by The Digital Marketing Bureau to discover how the technology has matured and become more accessible.

(Click below to view full infographic.)


So how will this technology affect your auto shop?

Imagine using VR in your shop’s waiting room, so customers don’t have to idly wait while their cars are being serviced. By implementing this technology, customers would feel like they weren’t losing time at the shop. Maybe they could play a game in the waiting room or virtually connect with the meeting that is starting up at the office, ultimately forgetting that the clock is ticking away while they wait for their repair.

Another way that the auto repair industry could be affected by VR is through the education of mechanics. Virtual reality could simulate how to perform specific repairs without actually using a car or tools. Crazy, right?

The possibilities are endless. It is important to think ahead about how you could incorporate VR to uniquely meet your customers’ needs and grow your auto repair shop. The future has arrived!

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