8 Excuses Every Shop Owner Uses For Not Blogging

If you’ve been on the internet in the past 5 years, you’ve heard about blogging. Writing a blog brings so many more visitors to your website, which converts into more customers in your office. Blogging is the easiest way to grow your shop for free, yet so many shop owners refuse to start one. Why would you limit your business from getting more customers? You know the how beneficial blogging can be, but you just can’t seem to get yourself started. If you’ve ever thought any of these before, think again.


1. “I don’t have time” This is the number one excuse. We get it, you’re busy. But you have to make time for blogging if you want to see results. Putting aside just one hour a week to write a blog is not the most unreasonable thing to start doing.

2. “No one will see it” Thinking that no one will see your blogs is a thought of the past. You don’t think that people will research your auto shop before they decide to give you a call? Blogging is turning into the number one way to attract new customers and grow your shop.

3. “I’m not a good writer” Sure, having quality content is great, but no one said your blogs have to be perfect. If you can talk, you can write. Write as if you were having a conversation face to face with your customers. Remember, it’s always good to have a co-worker edit your blogs, no matter how confident you are with your writing.

4. “There’s nothing to blog about” We’ve all hit writer’s block before. This is a natural thought no matter what you’re trying to type. But as a shop owner or mechanic, think about why you love your job. Write about the highlights that other people would be interested in hearing. The more you blog, the more you’ll recognize topics or events that are worth blogging about.

5. “There’s no point” – The whole point is to inform people who are interested in what you have to offer. Inbound marketing is taking over. This means that consumers are coming to look for your service rather than you aimlessly advertising to everyone in the general public. Starting a blog makes it easier for potential customers to find you.

6. “I’m already on social media, isn’t that enough?” Being active on social media is great, but you can maximize your web presence if you promote your blog through facebook and twitter.

7. “I’m not tech savvy”Just because you might not know your way around the internet doesn’t mean it has no effect on you. Being old-fashioned with technology is no longer an excuse for blogging. Just go to www.wordpress.com, and they’ll walk you through the steps to starting your own blog.

8. “I don’t know where to start” If you’re still this confused about blogging, give us a call and we’ll point you in the right direction.

No more excuses. It’s time to start your blog now!


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