Automotive Facebook Fan Pages

Having an automotive Facebook fan page isn’t just another webpage for users to find your information and perhaps post a few comments. It’s a real chance for you to interact with the rapidly growing number of people engaged in online communication. Engaging with regulars and potential customers online shows that you are up to date on web-based communication, and most importantly, shows that you are a business owner they can relate to, which means you are probably an auto repair business they can trust.

So how do you make a fan page work best to your advantage? Here are some tips.

Schedule regular maintenance. You probably didn’t think you’d be hearing this about a Facebook page, but just like cars, automotive social media marketing needs regular attention and tweaking. Post at least two times per week at hours when your fans are on-line. This is easier said than done – market research shows that most people use Facebook on weekday afternoons, with a peak usage time of 1pm-4pm.

Aim for interaction. Ask your fans what they want to see on your page. Include polls, pictures and videos that are related to your repair shop and post frequently. Facebook has options for fan page creators to easily make and post polls to their pages, in addition to the photos, status updates and information allowed for personal profiles. Polls can be simple, but should draw interest.

Give them something to look at. General pictures of the shop, new employees, and fun things like sweet rides, or a spectacular repair job attract positive attention. This shows customers and fans that there’s a shop full of real people behind the page. Posting videos is a very smart move, because videos occupy a larger space in your fans’ feeds than photos, making your shop more visible.

Create a contest. People love to play games on Facebook, and even those who are unfamiliar with your practice can see that their friends have participated, and may visit your fan page as a result.

Reach out to other automotive businesses. By using your Facebook fan page as a portal for communication and interacting with local businesses, service providers, and shops that you partner with, you encourage them to do the same. Their fans and clients will see your input on their posts, and their curiosity about your business will grow.

Integrate with Twitter and other profiles. Announce your Facebook fan page on your automotive Twitter feed, and provide a link to the page itself. Encouraging employees to be fans of your page and to link their job history to it also works marketing wonders. If you’re worried about your own personal page being visible, adjust your personal page’s privacy settings so that only your friends see your profile.

Seems like a lot of work, right? Let CarCareCONNECT develop your Facebook fan page. Contact us today to learn more and get a free consultation.

And of course… Follow CarCareCONNECT on Facebook and Twitter!


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