10 Tips For Twitter and Facebook

Automotive social media marketing is just like anything else when it comes to Facebook and Twitter. You want to engage your followers, but you don’t want to smother them. Each post you share has the potential to be shared with people who don’t know about you yet, making automotive social media marketing an invaluable way to expand your business and grow your practice.

Here are five key ways to engage your followers on Twitter, and get more out of your Facebook page.


Automotive Marketing Strategies for Twitter

  1. Pre-load tweets for consistency’s sake– Space out your tweets throughout the day and make sure that you’re adding something regularly, so your followers always have you in mind.
  2. Use a photograph of yourself, rather than your logo design– Surprise, surprise! People prefer connecting to someone online when they see a face.
  3. Find your shop on Twitter – Anytime someone uses your brand name or a relevant hashtag, you’ve got an opportunity to engage.
  4. Test Promos with bit.ly – You can find out which promos appeal to your users by using different bit.ly URLs and then seeing which get the most response.
  5. Update your bio – Keep your bio fresh and engaging and update it regularly – it makes a difference!


Automotive Social Networking Marketing for Facebook

  1. Stay in the conversation with regular communication – Your followers can learn a lot from their mechanic. Offer questions on regular maintenance or on easy care tips and make sure you always provide an answer.
  2. Post shareable photos – This is a no-brainer, but it can’t be emphasized enough. A photo that gets shared is promoted to your friends’ network and connections.
  3. Don’t be afraid to ask for a “share” – Your followers like you – ask them to share the fun by sharing your page with their friends. You may be surprised at how many people hadn’t thought to do it already.
  4. Relate to your customers with content – automotive social marketing is hard because not everyone wants to hear about the ins and outs of running an auto repair shop. Don’t be afraid to give your business a bit of personality by going outside of your usual comfort zone with posts and content that appeal to your customers’ needs.
  5. Offer incentives for “likes” – When new followers consider liking your page, they should know they’ll benefit from a discount or promotion.

Social network marketing for an auto repair shop may seem hard at first, but if you get involved, you’ll benefit from the increased visibility. For more tips and tricks, or a free consultation contact CarCareCONNECT today!

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