5 of the Best Website Homepage Design Examples

Your homepage is undoubtedly the most important page on your website because you only get to make a first impression once.

Every website has a homepage, and many see it as companies front door. If a new visitor doesn’t like what they see they will hit the back button and leave your company behind. A good website isn’t all about looks (it has to be functional). These 5 real world homepages mix both perfectly.


1) FreshBooks




  • This is a long website that lets you scroll through it, like a story
  • Fresh copy that really draws you in and think “Forbes like it” which builds trust between the consumer and the product
  • Contrast between the green Call to Action button and the blue page really makes it stick out

2) Food Sense




  • Beautiful horizontal menu draws your eyes to the middle of the page where the pictures talk louder than words (high-quality photos are a plus)
  • Copy “What’s Cooking” is simple and invitational 
  • Simple, organized content that doesn’t overwhelm (I might just be hungry)

3) Humaan


Humaan – Design, websites and digital solutions for humans


  • A website within a website. This exemplifies the design agency’s ability to craft expert digital experiences.
  • Simple copy that really packs a punch “Amplifying voices of change”. Powerful stuff. The Call to action “Start a project” is very inviting.
  • White text on top of black background really helps the menu buttons stick out

4) eWedding



  • Great copy that really captures you “You deserve the best”
  • Simple menu buttons and displays some designs 
  • Has “As seen on..” on the front page. Great referral strategy 

5) Life In Greenville



  • Beautiful high-resolution picture that draws your attention as the copy paints a picture of life in Greenville
  • Simple menu buttons (Only two)
  • You can’t see it because of the picture, but the green globe on the upper right expands when you hover over it, it says “Plan a visit”. Great invitational copy.


If you’re having problems with your websites design, contact us for a free consultation. With over 30 years combined experience in the field of web development, design and SEO, we’re here to help with all your website needs.

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