How To Market Your Service To Every Generation

In order to sell your service or product, you need to know who you’re selling to. There are 4 main generations that are active in the daily market, Baby Boomers, Gen X, Gen Y(Millennials) and Gen X. Not every consumer is alike and that goes double for each and every generation. Some use different channels of communication than the other or spend more time on the internet. Like I said before you have to know your customer, let’s go over optimising your marketing for each generation.


1. Baby Boomers (1945-1964)

Okay, so if you were born during those years then you’re classified as a “Baby Boomer”. Here are some things about BB’s.

  • They are online. A recent google study shows that over 35% of Baby Boomers spend 19+ hours on the internet every week
  • They use search engines, not social media
  • If they aren’t on the internet then they will be watching TV

Okay so given that information above, if your business wants to market to Baby Boomers than stick with 3 channels, Email, Search Engine (Pay Per Click/SEO) and Television.


2. Generation X (1961-1981)

Gen X’ers are more diverse than previous generations in race, class, religion, ethnicity and sexual orientation. Let’s look at some facts about X’ers

  • They have embraced smartphones, BlackBerries, e-mail and text messaging.
  • They lived through their parents’ recessions and saw a lot of people lose money in the stock market.
  • They are tired because they have been subjected to so much advertising during their lives.

Given this information, you’ll need to stick with Direct mail, Email and Search Engine marketing. 


3. Generation Y/Millennials (1975-1995) Generation Z (1995-2015)

Okay, seeing as only a handful of Gen Z’s can drive I went ahead and bunched these groups together. Let’s look closely at their generations.

  • Millennials communicate with their parents almost every day. 60% return home after college to live with their parents.
  • They are also very connected, having grown up with IM, texting, and social media.
  • They are optimistic about the future and their ability to change the world. For that reason, Millennials may delay marriage and starting their career.
  • Gen Z loves social media
  • Gen Z loves shopping online
  • Gen Z is a very visual generation 
  • Rely heavily on review sites (yelp, google, etc.)

Looking over all this information I bet you can already give me a couple of channels. If you want to market to Millennials/Gen Z you need to stick with the Internet (Search Engine, Review sites), Social Media, Blogs, and Videos.



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