Use Your Photographs to Get More Business


The human brain processes images much faster than text. However, your auto shop may be left in the dark when it comes to selecting the appropriate photograph for your blog posts, using them to reinforce positive reader behavior, and appropriately applying them for blog post flair. Trends have shown that visual consumption of information via social media and websites have allowed businesses to put a face to their brand. Choosing the right image to make your atop shop more personable can do all of the following things for your auto shop: 

  • Make your readers more sensitive to your call to action. It has been shown that blog posts that utilizes images cultivate a sense of trust. Images can give your blog posts a feeling of influence, as it will be deemed as an authoritative voice in your particular niche. A study by the University of Minnesota School of Management analyzed the effectiveness of presentations and infographics. The study has shown that visual elements were 43 percent more efficient at converting readers.
  • Naturally encourages your readers to read your blog posts. Images that are especially positioned to the right or left of the first paragraph of your blog posts encourages visitors to read your content from beginning to end. A photograph that is positioned to the right or left of the main paragraph reinforces eye paths to the image and ultimately to the text next to it. It acts as a marker, encouraging scanning eyes to lock onto your opening paragraph.
  • Quality images help underline credibility. The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab has ascertained that the number one criteria that will give your websites credibility and authority are using visual imagery like infographics and professional photographs.

Stock Photography Versus Personally Taken Photographs

If you’re new to blogging, then it is important that you invest in photography that has the correct attribution. Many bloggers think that they can just use a photograph from Google Images and place it on their posts. However, you run the chance of being sued by the original photographer. Here’s where the use of stock photography shines. Many services allow you to use their images – these services are free, require a monthly subscription plan, or a one-time fee per photograph.

Personally taken Photographs allow you to have complete creative control over images, as well as give an authentic touch to your blog posts. If you are going to take pictures for your websites, it is important that they are of high quality. Conveniently enough, many modern smartphones are fixed with high megapixel cameras, allowing you to easily take professional quality images. If appropriate, images that depict real people tend to be highly persuasive and effective for web content. Jakob Nielsen’s usability studies have shown that users spent 10 percent more time looking at pictures that depict real people. This makes websites visitors stay on your site for longer, which is something that major search engines like Google likes to see.

Other Types of Photographs That Do Well for Web Content

  • Photos of your business. You can use photographs of the actual brick-and-mortar store or pictures showing the creative process of your products to humanize your online presence. You can also use photographs to showcase your skills. Examples of work, or even using infographics to show the history of your business can be persuasive to potential readers.
  • Unique, data-driven infographics. Unique Infographics that uses data that you have gathered yourself will give your business an autocratic clout.

If you need more information about using images online, our design team would love to help! Just give us a call and see what we can do for you.



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